Category Archives: 2. Options: How does physics inform contemporary issues and applications in society?

Shattering a Wine Glass with Sound at 187,500FPS – The Slow Mo Guys

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Professor Dave explains: Standing Waves and Harmonics

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Strobe Lights and String – Standing Waves

Posted in 10. How do instruments make music?, 2. Options: How does physics inform contemporary issues and applications in society?, Unit 2, Videos | Tagged , | Comments Off on Strobe Lights and String – Standing Waves

Diffraction & interference podcast

Diffraction, Diffraction through gaps, Interference patterns – two sources, Calculating interference patterns, Calculating interference patterns – directly between sources Calculating interference patterns – in front of one source. Download the notes. Download the videos. Links: pHET Wave interference Interference of … Continue reading

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Making music podcast

Standing waves in strings, Speed of waves in strings, Standing waves in strings – other harmonics, Beats, Open ended pipes, Open ended pipe harmonics, Closed pipes, Closed pipes harmonics, Harmonics & timbre, Spectral analysis Download the notes. Download the video.

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Veritasium – Can Silence Actually Drive You Crazy?

Posted in 10. How do instruments make music?, 2. Options: How does physics inform contemporary issues and applications in society?, Videos | Tagged | Comments Off on Veritasium – Can Silence Actually Drive You Crazy?

Sound waves podcast

Sound waves, Wave equations, Speed of sound, The Ear, Speed of sound, Sounds are waves, Intensity, Pitch, Timbre. Download the notes. Download the video. Links:

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Sound: Making music quiz

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Surprising Applications of the Magnus Effect

Posted in 1. How is motion understood?, 11. How can performance in ball sports be improved?, 2. Options: How does physics inform contemporary issues and applications in society?, Unit 2, Videos | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Surprising Applications of the Magnus Effect

Sound intensity & decibels quiz

Posted in 10. How do instruments make music?, 2. Options: How does physics inform contemporary issues and applications in society?, Quiz | Tagged , | Comments Off on Sound intensity & decibels quiz