Diagnostic test summary

Quiz categories:


A gas tank contains 1000 litres of BBQ gas under pressure (100 units). An empty 10 litre gas bottle is connected to the tank (without any pressure regulator) and allowed to fill.
What is the pressure inside the smaller gas bottle once it has been filled?

1 unit
  14 / 30% answers
99 units
  13 / 28% answers
100 units
  11 / 24% answers
10000 units
  8 / 17% answers

What property makes fibreglass a good material for heat insulation?

Light weight
  1 / 2% answers
Long fibres
  12 / 18% answers
Pockets of trapped air
  48 / 74% answers
Light in colour
  4 / 6% answers

Which of the following is an example of heat transfer by conduction?

Sunlight heating a floor.
  3 / 7% answers
An electric stove heating an iron pan.
  40 / 89% answers
A wood stove heating nearby objects through electromagnetic waves.
  2 / 4% answers
An electric heater heating air, which rises and is replaced with cooler air.
  0 / 0% answers

A cup of hot tea is left to cool on a kitchen bench. Which graph best shows the temperature of the tea over time?

Answer A

Temperature time 1

Answer B

Temperature time 3

Answer C

Temperature time 2

Answer D

Temperature time 4

Temperature time 1
  4 / 16% answers
Temperature time 3
  4 / 16% answers
Temperature time 2
  15 / 60% answers
Temperature time 4
  2 / 8% answers

100 ml of cold water (at 20°) is mixed into 500 ml of hot water at 80° (in an insulated container, so that no heat is lost to the surroundings).

What is the final temperature of the 600 ml of water?

  19 / 41% answers
  22 / 48% answers
  2 / 4% answers
  3 / 7% answers


Which of the following best describes the differences between a loud shout and a quiet whisper?

Both sound waves will travel at the same speed.
  15 / 32% answers
The louder shout will travel faster.
  6 / 13% answers
The quieter whisper will travel faster.
  2 / 4% answers
The speed of the waves will vary as the pitch of the sound changes.
  24 / 51% answers

The speed of sound in air is around 340 m/s. The speed of sound in water would be:

0 m/s as sound needs to travel through a gas
  1 / 2% answers
less than 340 m/s
  42 / 65% answers
340 m/s
  1 / 2% answers
more than 340 m/s
  21 / 32% answers

When a student listens to music, sound waves propagate from the speaker to her ear. Which of the following is a physical description of this process?

Particles produced at the speaker move to the student’s ear.
  2 / 5% answers
Energy is transported from the speaker to the student’s ear.
  26 / 59% answers
Material is transferred from the speaker to the student’s ear.
  1 / 2% answers
Clusters of air molecules are sent from the speaker to the student’s ear.
  15 / 34% answers

The diagram below shows a visual representation of the pressure variations over time as a sound wave passes by a point.

Sound wave 1

Which of the following best shows a wave that is louder but the same pitch?

Answer A

Sound wave 2

Answer B

Sound wave 4

Answer C

Sound wave 3

Sound wave 2
  3 / 12% answers
Sound wave 4
  18 / 69% answers
Sound wave 3
  5 / 19% answers

A sound wave with a length of 2.0 m is traveling through a material at a speed of 600 m/s. How many waves pass through every second?

Sound wave speed frequency online diagnostic

  29 / 63% answers
  6 / 13% answers
  4 / 9% answers
  7 / 15% answers


A person sitting stationary on a chair has a mass of 70 kg and weight force of 700 N acting on them from gravity.

Man sitting on chair 700N

What is the force that the chair exerts on them?

0 N
  4 / 6% answers
less than 700 N
  4 / 6% answers
700 N
  53 / 82% answers
More than 700 N
  4 / 6% answers

Astronauts in the space station “float” around inside.

This is because:

there is no gravity in space.
  31 / 48% answers
there is no gravity at the height of orbit.
  4 / 6% answers
they are continuously falling toward the Earth.
  29 / 45% answers
they are travelling to fast for gravity to have an effect.
  1 / 2% answers

Which of the following diagrams correctly shows the path taken by a fall rolled of the edge of a cliff?

Falling ball off cliff 1 Falling ball off cliff 2
Option A Option B
Falling ball off cliff 3 Falling ball off cliff 4
Option C Option D
Falling ball off cliff 1
  24 / 92% answers
Falling ball off cliff 2
  2 / 8% answers
Falling ball off cliff 3
  0 / 0% answers
Falling ball off cliff 4
  0 / 0% answers

A roller coaster is turning through a circular loop.

In which direction is the net force acting on the car at the top of the loop?

  16 / 25% answers
  31 / 48% answers
  15 / 23% answers
  2 / 3% answers

A ball is thrown up into the air.


Which of the following best describes the direction of the overall force on the ball at the highest point of the motion?

  5 / 8% answers
  23 / 35% answers
  1 / 2% answers
  36 / 55% answers

A ball is thrown up into the air.


Which of the follow best describes the direction overall force on the ball half way to the top of the motion?

  46 / 71% answers
  11 / 17% answers
  7 / 11% answers
  1 / 2% answers

A small car collides head on with a large truck, both travelling at the same speed.

Momentum collision on diagnostic test

Which vehicle experiences the greatest force from the impact?

The car
  41 / 63% answers
The truck
  5 / 8% answers
Both vehicles experience the same force.
  19 / 29% answers

The gravitational attraction to the Earth is caused by:

the mass of the Earth.
  42 / 65% answers
the rotation of the Earth on its axis.
  14 / 22% answers
the revolution of the Earth around the Sun.
  4 / 6% answers
the weight of the atmosphere pushing down.
  5 / 8% answers

Three projectiles, A, B, and C, are fired from the same machine on the moon (where there is no air resistance) with the same initial speed.

Their paths are labelled A, B, and C.

At the three points marked 2 (as the projectile is about to hit the ground) which projectile will be travelling fastest?
A or B or C, or will all be equally fast?


Path A
  15 / 33% answers
Path B
  1 / 2% answers
Path C
  8 / 18% answers
All be equal in speed.
  21 / 47% answers

At the three points marked 1 (the top of the flight), which projectile will be travelling the fastest? A or B or C, or will all be equal in speed?

  0 / 0% answers
  1 / 2% answers
  31 / 67% answers
All are travelling at the same speed.
  14 / 30% answers

Light and colour:

When you see a pencil in your classroom, in which of the following ways is light involved?

Light sent out from your eyes hits the pencil and bounces back into your eyes.
  4 / 6% answers
Light is "made" in the pencil and this light is sent out by the pencil and some of it reaches your eyes.
  2 / 3% answers
Some of the sunlight which enters the room bounces off (is reflected by) the pencil and reaches your eyes.
  56 / 86% answers
Light sent out by your eyes is intercepted and absorbed by the pencil.
  3 / 5% answers

Different wavelengths of light are seen as different colours. White light can be dispersed by glass to show the colour spectrum.


This best described by:

The glass absorbs the white wavelengths of light leaving the other colours remaining.
  11 / 17% answers
The different colours of light travel at different speeds through the glass and are bent by differing amounts.
  46 / 73% answers
The glass contains other colours of light that are added to the white.
  2 / 3% answers
The glass speeds up some colours of light more than others.
  4 / 6% answers

Why do the leaves on a plant appear green to our eyes?

The leaves make green light.
  1 / 2% answers
The leaves absorb green light.
  15 / 23% answers
The leaves absorb all of the colours of light except for green.
  48 / 75% answers

A red, blue and green light are shone so that their colours overlap and add together. Which of the following positions would be yellow in colour?

Colour circles with blank overlapping colours shown

Position A
  1 / 2% answers
Position B
  13 / 28% answers
Position C
  22 / 48% answers
Position D
  10 / 22% answers

Parallel rays of light are brought to a focus by a glass converging lens at a distance L from the lens.

Convex lens and focal point

The lens is now immersed in water.
The rays still come to a focus, at a new focal distance D from the lens.

Which of the following statements is correct?

The new focal distance D will be less than L.
  10 / 22% answers
The new focal distance D will be greater than L.
  19 / 41% answers
The new focal distance D will be equal to L.
  14 / 30% answers
The focal distance can't be found in water.
  3 / 7% answers


Rubbing a balloon on hair can cause a build-up of static electricity and an electric field. Hairs stand on end in line with the electric field.


This is best described by:

friction generating electrical energy.
  20 / 31% answers
the separation of positive and negative charges on the different materials.
  19 / 30% answers
the attraction of positive and negative charges on the different materials.
  21 / 33% answers
the loss of electrons to the surrounding air.
  4 / 6% answers

Which of the following statements best describes the conduction of electricity through a metallic solid?

Electrons are free to move slowly around.
  50 / 78% answers
Protons are free to move slowly around.
  6 / 9% answers
Atoms are free to move slowly around.
  0 / 0% answers
Ions are free to move slowly around.
  8 / 13% answers

Four identical light globes are connected to a battery, as shown in the circuit below.


Which of the globes will be brightest?

  21 / 33% answers
  19 / 30% answers
D & B
  2 / 3% answers
All are the same brightness.
  21 / 33% answers

Some electrical conductors have been made from the same material, but varying the length (L) and diameter (D).

Which of the designs would given the best conduction of electric current?

Conductor A:resistivity 2

Conductor B:resistivity 3

Conductor C:resistivity 5

Conductor D:resistivity 4

resistivity 2
  5 / 20% answers
resistivity 3
  2 / 8% answers
resistivity 5
  12 / 48% answers
resistivity 4
  6 / 24% answers

Two resistors are placed in parallel and connected to battery. 30mA of current is measured in the 200 ohm resistor.

Online current question

What is the current in the 100 ohm resistor?

30 mA
  16 / 35% answers
60 mA
  26 / 57% answers
200 mA
  4 / 9% answers
0 mA
  0 / 0% answers

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